Jordan has been showing its fear of the Islamic State ever since they burned one of their piglets in a cage. The primary reason they are conducting these air raids which have now counted over fifty such raids is because they know they are the next state that the Islamic State will start capturing territory. Pretty much Muslims in the region want to carve out their own nations and borders as all the current ones were carved out by the European state during colonel rule. Jordan is one of these royalist states where a family was granted control for their loyalty in keeping down Muslims and this is the reason this would be next on the cross hairs of the glorious Islamic State. I really think the Islamic state is at the same stage the United Sates was in in 1781 and there really is little the world can do to prevent these numerous new Islamic uprisings from bearing fruit and multiplying. If these regions did have full democratic process and you changed the Islamic State to the Islamic party this would be the political party that would sweep all of these elections.
This is primarily the reason that the West has fount so hard to sustain military dictatorships that would protect Western interests and property over the interests of the average citizen living under their illegal drawn borders from Christian colonialists generations ago. Jordan and the United Arab Emirates are just going to anger more and more sympathizers of the Islamic state and will do little to slow progress towards their goal of ending these corrupt kingdoms. The Jordan Air Force is small and militants within the kingdom will just wait for the Jordanian military to exhaust itself and resources enforce they strike with this despotic kingdom whose eventual fall will bring even more instability into the region. A backlash against this intensive campaign by this kingdom killing fellow Muslims in Syria will produce more resentment within this kingdom of Islamic patriots tired of this oppressive rule and knowing that the Jordanian militarizes operations of liquidation in Syria is not sustainable.
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