How rich people invest their money..the ugly horse sculptures of Deborah Butterfield

Troy York
 There is some controversy I saw in Wall street Journal about art galleries now getting dibs on resale of art. it focused on some very ugly horse sculptures by a woman named Deborah Butterfield whose horse sculptures can fetch a high of 250,000 thousand dollars for each one. these mishap horse structures of bronze,wood, and scrap metal go for a high price because rich people can set the price and resale value of utter nonsense at this so called "art' and set  price for resale to some other scamster in a Ponzi scheme of overvalued assets. The notion that they can set any scrap metal twisted to look like an animal as art shows basically what is wrong with the economic structure of this country. These wealthy clients at these art auctions are basically gambling with these works and hopefully many wealthy patrons of art such as this shit will see the value of their purchase drop precipitously demanding to know at the galleries why their artwork is now not worth as much as the in sane price the idiots paid . Now the estates of some of these already wealthy artists are demanding royalties for any resell of their art and a commission to gain advantages and opportunities for more income from rising valuation of their crap. as these wealthy people continue to fight rightful tax increases on their assets we see one of the places they would rather put it than for the public good and benefit of all. More than ever tax rates for the ultra wealthy need to be set much higher o they will have less disposable income to meddle in art trying to bring about higher prices and values as if they were playing the stock market or the craps table at a local casino. The distortion of art auctions where even the worse can fetch high prices and an excuse for wealthy people to use their money to greedily speculate is just one of many absurd aspects of modern age and inequalities of society.

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