Former congressman Joe Walsh's show a joke

Alex Mousolopolous
   Congresman Joe Walsh was a wicked right-wing Tea Party Republican one term congressman. The more he talked the more people in this blue state couldn't believe that this guy was representing a part other state. Even his own wealthy constituents were embarrassed by this clown who does represent much of the views of rich White people in the North suburban shore of Chicagoland. The more he opened his dumb mouth the more the folks up there realized they couldn't have a candidate who sounded like he belonged in Arkansas more than Illinois. People rallied against this dirty bastard and kicked his ass out of office. Some right-wing media conglomerate though felt sorry for him and decided to reward him with a radio show on 560 Am to continue to speak his thoughts. Few listen to this guy nor his radio station and it constantly ranks the lowest of the low. I often even forget that this jerk is still around with a voice to inflate his wounded ego after his disastrous reelection campaign where he overwhelming was putting his foot in his mouth.  Joe was bitching about how Chicago only grew about by 82 people and somehow this was so awful when compared to other cities and the growth they experienced. This is a prick who would work as hard as possible to limit growth in his leafy wealthy suburb and somehow he thinks a region with eight million people should be growing by leeps and bounds like the cheap labor red states and their traffic choked cities. Joe says people are leaving the collar counties as well for other places and this may be true but what this jerk won't say most of these people would of returned to their native Poland or Mexico and way after working and undercutting the American worker and now being able to afford a house in Mexico and Poland. I have worked with many immigrants and unlike earlier immigrants their desire to make money so they can transport the American lifestyle of McMansion housing is their ultimate desire as so many have returned to live larger than they could ever of achieved without the likes of Joe Walsh helping them. I worked with a lazy Mexican named Caesar who left to live in Mexico again. Good riddance and I say let more of them return to their homelands though end this collusion between business and migrant flip floppers. It is pro-business morons like Joe Walsh that want continued growth to lower the working wages of natural born citizens and have an economy that only benefits the few at the top like him. Only the leaders of business which Walsh represents benefits from an arrangement like this along with the mobile immigrants who come here working to buy a huge house back to their real home. Walsh is a fucking idiot and it is politicians like him with their distortions and obsessions with growth which is what lead America down this perilous path to ruin and becoming more like a third world corrupt nation.

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