Glen Beck has written several books and in one of them he presents his fact-based opinions on why the most important issue facing this country is not inequality but preserving the right to bear guns. Glen gives a quick synopsis on the gun industry in this book and often quotes the constitution ignoring the fact that the writers never would of thought the horror of guns getting in the hands of adolescents who cause much of the death and destruction in this country with firearms. The fear based terror glen believes could occur with government t control of weapons has already been realized by the freedoms pushed to such an extent any crazy teenager could get their access to these weapons and then use them onto strangers whenever a girlfriend dumps him as happened this month in Wisconsin with a trail murder and shooting of four people. It is the gun backers such as Glen Beck that spread misinformation as to why no progress is politically done to limit the manufacture and distribution of these dangerous items under the guise of constitutional law and rights.
Glen tries to confuse the debate on guns by focusing on violent video games for much of the last chapters of his book and interviewing 'experts' who say games like "Doom" and "Grand Theft Auto" are the ultimate cause of youth shooting rampages instead of the culture of gun worship that likely all these ids came from feeling free and confident to blast their classmates. The issue is the relevancy of guns and not that some of these killers were also attracted to popular shoot up video games that all teenage males have played over the years as no regulation allowed these companies to put out anything. To a jackass like Glen Beck any attempt to correct the wrongs of stopping the easily access and spread of guns for everyone is an attempt by government to take over basically already what they run. beck needs to go in his basement and play these games again and realize that the government
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