Africa is a continent that has always been exploited and for this reason remains the poorest and fastest growing continent. The population just keeps exploding and underneath this population lies a third of all minerals needed for modern life. The financilized colonialism that exists today is told in a book called "The Looting Machine" where Tom Burgis keeps coming up with the same Chinese compmay and shades China man that is lurking all over these projects funded by Queensway Group. Sam Pa is a piece of shit and a modern day Cecil Rhodes haing too ,ugh power on this continent than any Chinaman should ever have. This book goes trough the many
warlords,oligarchs,corporations,smugglers, that have conspired to not share the wealth in this country leading rise t various revel groups over the years that we see to this day from Mau Mau to Boko Harum. This is a co tinent that has been plagued by the worse of all human diseases and that is of greed andoliticians and these corporations play ethnic groups against one anger with occurring frequency leading to countless massacres that are described in this book. This oak shows how Chinese middle men like the dirty Sam Pa actually make decisions that affect the lives of millions of Africans as Chinese laor is rough tin to build the infrastructure that many idle Africans can use the training g and work. Chinese investors come into small countries like Guinea and take over projects worth billions in profit for these Chinese companies and benefits the average African little and ask ally all that is being done is just construction colonialism and mineral extraction for the Chinese and other foreign companies mainly European. All these actions have only inspired separatist groups who seek to destroy the oligarch rulers of these many African nations who have their own interests in mind with the absurdity of allowing many f these ideas and joint ventures to go about.
The value of these resources have caused many wars with the neighboring tribes depleting a political power base fighting one another instead of finding a common purpose of controlling their own resources and seeing best how it is to be put on the market. The growth of Chinese metal consumption has coincided with all these conflicts in Africa as Chinas demands for oil and commodities outstrips its own resources and the ancient Chinese practice of Guanxi is used in commerce and explained by Tom Burgis. You see what the Chinese have been doing to Africa is an old practice that they used all over Asia dominating the economies and commerce of many Asian co tries and keeping these non-Chinese as servants. I have always said that African needs t be carved into hundreds of nations instead of the current mass Europeans drawn up guaranteeing division in these lands that makes to easier exploitation from their global powerful companies doing business as business has always been done in Africa.
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