Chris hedges is one of the leading advocates fighting the corporate war and surveillance state and in his book " Empire Of Illusion" he basically states the end of literacy in America. The population has allowed itself to be so spectacularly misguided and out of touch with common sense. hedges book is different and the first two chapters I found very interesting as he devotes much of his writings to the popularity of pro wrestling and its harmful affect to intelligence in this country. he travels to Madison Square garden and views the spectacle of pro wrestling and gives it a critique and tough look at the people who attend these events. hedges knows that these are some of the most moronic people in the country who go to these staged events all over the country and the weird cruel dram is perpetuates as a storyline. I was surprised to see hedges talk about pro Wrestling and then the unrealistic and equally bad porn industry and image it promotes as normal.
The second chapter of this book becomes a porn book Chris Hedges book becomes a bit odd for for a time as hedges gets sexually graphic at times and this pornification of a critique book. Chris Hedges is abhorred by this stupidity and disconnect to reality among people who supposedly have brains and he goes on to bash rightfully this culture . Chris Hedges interviews some o these porn bimbos who have no sense of pride and allowed themselves to be sexually assaulted and abused for some cigarette change and booze money. many of these women have no shame and one wonders what other acts they would do upon themselves and others just to make a little jingle pocket money. Mr Hedges also bashes the culture of celebrity and the harm it has done to young impressionable minds easily distracted to issues they should be more thinking about and how it will affect them down the line. Instead many of these people are easily manipulated by Hollywood and the crap they promote and install on these people as of being of major importance. This is a industry that has taken billions in subsidies to promote extreme inequalities as a good healthful thing and been allowed to distort reality by a political class which is agreeable to the message they want entertainment to promote and glamorize.
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