A reporter was murdered on live TV from a disgruntled former minority who has been lead t believe everything and everyone was against him.the myth of victimization of suppose marginalized people who were still ale to get easy reporting gigs is one of the undermining problems with liberals and this country. They will not blame the confederate flag n this one and maybe they should blame the rainbow flag. This large ugly black man named Lester Flanagan or Bryce Williams killed a beautiful woman and this in its own is its kind of hate jealous crime. I really think that ever time a beautiful woman is killed these are hate crimes as the vast majority of the killers are at the complete opposite end and are usually ugly thugs. This could account over the years to the vast differences and statistics in the number of black perpetuated sex crimes and murders against non-black women.
This was a college educated man who felt he was the victim because others stood up to his aggressive demeanor in the workplace that likely helped him get through life on the streets eying a gay black man. In this guys twisted mind he writes a manifesto blaming the victims for his brutal rent less murder and his depression likely was caused by his mental illness seeing people friendly and happy while b all accounts he was a miserable son of a itch to be around. He also praises past spree killers except Dylan Roof whonkilled a bunch of folks that look like him. These deranged thoughts is something Bryce Williams couldn't control and instead of taking his anger management problems and committing suicide he decided to take out some of these happy people while making up false accusations and a bizarre record of these killings. This country is a powder keg with 30000 suicides and potential black Byrce Williams hate killers blaming a legacy of slavery that they never lived trough for their current misery and predicament in life. This is going to be a serious problem and white America has to deal with tis issue somehow and has ignored causing a mini-genocide that wold of been alot whose without the benefit of White flight. white people are going to have to wake up that these people hate you and want to wage war on you and the system they are lead to believe is always going to be against them because they have no functioning ability to start their own businesses aside from shady street hustling and drug peddling.
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