Donald Trump pretty much sums up his beliefs and campaign in a book called "Time to get Tough" andI have read and reviewed so many of his pokes I can't even tell them apart. I decided to review another of his books. He says there needs to be a wall dividing Mexico but I wish he would suggest the movement of military forts and bases to where they belong protecting and observing our borders instead of overseas protecting interests of fellow billionaires such as himself. Donald Trump has said pretty much everything he has said thus far in this run for president and this book is a timely read for those on the fence thinking whether to vote for him. He complains about the nanny state for providing when his free-market ism doesn't follow through providing employment for Chinese citizens more than Americans although he talks about getting tough on China. His tough talk on China though included nothing on the fortunes of Sam Walton's heirs and the duplicity of the American shopper.
These shoppers are making their votes for an authoritarian Chinese economy to save fifty cents and buy stuff that most likely will be in their trash bins in six months. Donald Trump wants an expanded and bigger American government when it comes to international power and this type of thinking is what lead to wars and the wasted tax payer money to fund weapons sales for others to kill one another. Its easy to push for increase in American power and threaten war when you are not going to be anywhere near the front lines and more likely to be in a posh motel following the action on a cable news outlet. Trump writes a whole chapter anout repealing Obamacare and this crusade has been lost many times yet these billionaires refuse to admit that all is lost n this subject and the for-profit health care scam needs to co e to an end. Trump is correct though that foreigners with too many of the worlds reserve currency are shaping this country to the benefit of themselves and their heirs at the expanse of people born here. This is pretty much a reverse colonization of the international elite and will not change until the dollar drops and we make it illegal for foreigners to hold our currencies. It is as simple as that and nothing does Donald Trump hit or critisize the one factor that has singlehanded dropped our living standard and that is free-trade that only creates wealth and distributes it into a very few pockets of individuals instead of the masses.
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