Neil Steinberg took time out to write in the Chicago Sub Times about his disdain for McDonalds and why the Holden Arches suck. Neil was pleased by the dropping revenue and then went on a list on why McDonalds is in a tailspin and hopefully will not recover. His top ten reasons for why this company is failing shows all the disdains that wealthy folks who don't economically need to rely on a McDonalds to enjoy a night out with a family. Steinberg thinks the restaurants are outdated and perhaps he has stock in some remodeling company thinking that everything needs to be luxury inside and this type of mentality could explain the masses of debt this country and its companies face.Now I will put my top ten reasons McDonalds will always be a major player and drive guys like Neil Steinberg nuts by their mere presence.
Its economical. Unlike Neil Steinberg, not all people can afford to take their family often for Steak and Ribs at an expensive restaurant such Gibsons.
Kids will always love this place. Many McDonald's have playgrounds and little kids will always love the Ronald McDonald marketing campaign which Neil Steinberg thinks is so awful. The track record of this company says otherwise surviving so long with tons of competition. What beef jerky Neal doesn't understand is that Ronald is part of sucess with McDonalds with children. Maybe moron don't know but kids do love clowns
Its all American food. Neil Steinberg thinks somehow the place is bland because it is not a spices Indian or Mexican restaurant. If these taste styles were so popular outside these communities you would have a Ghandi's on every corner offer sumptuous flaming Indian food. Most people do not like Indian food but perhaps outside of Neil Steinbergs ethnic bubble he doesn't realize this.
McDonalds are everywhere. There is a reason that McDonalds is just on every major street corner and that is because people enjoy the reliability and taste of food offered in these restaurants regardless f the junk food that Neil thinks it s because the prices are lower than what you would get at
Five guys burgers
The marketing budget of McDonald's is huge. People will always be reminded this place exists and you get some food and entertainment if you have kids while being a cheap option for families on a budget. This is something a guy making a good living in corporate media might not understand.
The coffee. Much like Dunkin Donut sales are mainly based on coffee this restaurant has great coffee and is a great hangout for elderly people in the morning and their numbers will only increase with the graying of America.
The food is not any inferior than the more expensive burger joints spreading out everywhere. Like many elitists a Neil Steinberg thinks if something costs a few more bucks it is that much better. Red Robin and others barely register that much better on the taste ladder.
McDonald's never closes although it was announced recently they are closing some remote places that generate little income as rural areas shrink of people. You drive anywhere and you can find hundreds of shell buildings that use to be a Taco Bell and Burger King now offering title loans to risk your automobile on a high interest loan.
Breakfast meals. These items are so popular that people want it to be offered at all times of day and this says plenty of the staying power of Micky Ds.
The speed. Neil Steinberg blasted the rude workers who he seems to think should have the enthusiasm of a car salesmen. These people work much harder than any print journalist and are rewarded with little pay and a low respect image despite working and receiving a paycheck in a society that is increasingly drifted towards a welfare state
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