Jon Grayson hosts a national radio program of some entertainment that is syndicated out of St Louis. Grayson had mentioned on his program some stories about Wal -Mart and how Wal Mart has become the new place where local whack jobs now hang out and loiter around these stores. Wal-Mart has replaced the 24 hour restaurant where the deranged and eccentric now go and seem to make news with their behavior. I would go further to say that many of these local community whack jobs also seem to get employment at these stores.
Grayson realizes that Wal -Marts have exploded onto the rural scene and in many of these places finding a place to hang around is lacking and thus you have many weird stories at local Wal Marts. These stores attract mostly lower-skilled and lower- intellect people who need the perceived discounts that a super store has to offer. Grayson also speculated that the Super Wal-Marts ow servi g groceries has increased these backwater Wal-Mart bizarre stories of locals just fucking off trying to wear away their meth. Wal Marts are also magnets to people who need to spend their disability and SSI checks and many congregate at the same time coming into these big box madness.
This fact alone may account to why there are s many idiots in Wal Marts as their low-income free welfare lifestyle can only purchase so much in a consumer obsessed society. Grayson is on has a pretty interesting program called OverNight America and his comments were on track about Wal Madt though I would beg to differ that late night hour restaurants are still places where crazy asses still go and get into trouble especially on the weekends and in the summer in most of the country. In the South twenty-four hour restaurants are full of insane people at all times of the day. It should to be surprising that a retailer that focuses on having the cheapest prices should really be a gathering place for the whack jobs of society with nothing to do.
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