Terry Blue
A fourteen year old boy created a clock looking bomb device to impress his classmates and teachers and likely to impress something that he is not to be messed with. After a teacher rightfully alerted authorities they came over to this school in Irving, Texas to question fourteen year old science genius Ahmed Mohammed. Liberals went berserk over this because the little shit is a brown Muslim kid and obviously had this been a blond hair blue eye kid you would never have seen the creation of advocation of anger of how this poor kid was treated and arrested as his answers were incongruous. Mother Jones, Addicting Info, Talking Points memo all blasted articles of anger out through social media helping make a case that this poor little camel prick was somehow targeted ignoring a that most bombs are made of homemade sophisticated clocks.

Why would a fourteen year old kid be so interested in creating a fucking clock if not a fantasy of perhaps creating something to go with this. The police and authorities did the right thing question this camel punk and asking him why he brought this shit to school. do these god dam liberals even watch the news and realize that schools are often targets of tragedy and attacks. Liberals acted that because this was a model minority student or something that he couldn't be up to nothing wrong and just wanted to make a cool little alarm clock, After all so many teenagers do this making cool little gadget clocks to hang around their neck as they skateboard or attach to their attaches. Police need to take every incident of suspicious objects brought into schools seriously for all the students and not just let it go because the kid is a brown Muslim and they might be sensitive to inquisitive dialogue about the object.

This Ahmed Mohammed likely will build a bomb someday and I believe he had this in mind in creating this stupid fucking clock and it is good to see Texas authorities investigate this to make sure and perhaps scare him into ending this dream. What is disappointing is to see these idiots once again use this case to attack police and their procedures when looking at this creation the fucking thing looks like a fucking bomb. twitter and other social media activists are not going to stop these suspicious investigations to unknown devices no matter how badly they vet their frustration over the actions of police needing to ensure the safety of all kids and not the sensitivity of one Muslim kid who was up to something no good.
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