Conservative matt Lewis had some economic think tank dud from the Manhattan Institute named James Pierson on his program to talk about Americas decline and the usual anti-big business bullshit as the root cause of the problem. these guys lament the fact that the Obama administration is finally getting control of endless spending by part of jut military and Lewis and Pierson fear the consequences of American global domination will no longer be possible through these actions. Pierson is an idiot who doesn't want to give up the old economic growth model that is no longer feasible in this country through sellout business practices of moving jobs overseas and no where did these two morons mention this has he root cause of the superpower decline of America. These conservatives blame taxes and the inability of business to be able to grow as it did following World war II because they help create rubble and were the only country able to build others escaping this destruction.
directly involved with deaths promoting the insane and unwinnable wars in Korea and Vietnam. The United States never should of now thought itself as responsible in the name of trade to get directly involved in so many affairs of these other countries from Asia to Latin America and for them too dummies to reflect a feel a sadness of these achievements show what complete idiots these men are and how their opinions need to still be stubbornly battled against.
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