Rundown Live fags and Mike Paczesny gets dark about the police

  Herbert Gilbert
 The Rundown Live fags from Milwaukee had a dark program as Mike Paczesny went off about the police lives matter movement. He was angered by the gall of people to claim that some would say that there is a war on police as he ignores the fact that many police are targeted and shot at every day because they wear the uniform. Paczensy went on to say the big disparities between the number of people the police kill compared to the number of dead policemen a year as some sort dr proof that is wasn't that dangerous to be a policemen and all this no sense of police being attacked is attempted to hide the fact that police want to turn this country into a fascist state. Perhaps Mile Peczesny should get a real job and try being a policemen and seeing how difficult it whose main duty is to confront first hand the psychotic individuals acting up on  the street. Mike and his co-host Kristan Harris seem to have little idea that the job of a policemen will put you much more in awaiting to have to gun down the thousands of deranged lunatics who may make sudden lunges something they never have to worry about creating anti-police podcasts in the basement of their mothers house. The idiot Pecnesy said that when policemen deaths reach into the hundreds as do their victims, which many by the way are straight out suicides which these fags don't mention, then will he be satisfied that there is some sort of actual pushback against the men in uniform policing the streets. Paczesny also went on to state without facts that the Fox Lake,Il police killing was a suicide and being exploited by Police despite the facts that the corner said the wound clearly indicated a faraway shooter. I'm starting to wonder if perhaps these guys offed the police.  Paczesny and his hate police crusade is pretty twisted and lucky for him heis some little intended to jerk just trying to be a big man by his opinions that make absolutely no sense and is just a rundown of the same old anti-authority distrust promoting against both the state and police by some anarcho libertarian whack jobs that both of these guys proudly boast that they will always be.

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