Roman Atwood play pranks for a living on Youtube and many of them are just lame pieces that would never make television nor have a good message. He rarely comes up with something good except one time which I bring up today on the Center Bear. Roman rented out an ice cream truck and drove around several LA neighborhoods stock the truck not with waist-expanding sugar but with healthy fresh greens. The only problem with this prank tough is he should of invested and had vegetable Nd fruit items in place of the ice cream on the dam truck. Anyway he had the people look over the ice cream items on the truck and when they ordered the sugar cream products he told them he was out. Instead he did tell them that he ad some apples,grapes, cabbage, lettuce, Broccoli, carrots, bananas , peas, celery, spinach, oranges, corn, beats, pears, plums, peaches, limes, ahh cabbage etc etc etc. You get the jist and many of these people/kids were upset that tis punk offered them something more nutritional and helpful to their bodies instead of ice cream.
Why ice cream trucks are allowed to still operate in this day of age with their annoying noise and junk targeted towards children helping lead to an increasing obesity crisis is insane. all tis shit does is teaching them at a young age what their brain should be focused towards and this continues for many as they age. I was really surprised to see Roman Atwood come up with an ingenious method and prank to expose where are nutritional standards have become and how it develops early on in life for many people through such shit like ice cream trucks. Maybe as food trucks become more established some people will hit these food deserts with similar green trucks offering I expensive high quality food showing children that the human body needs ore than just sugar,c ereal, and frozen Ice sugar snacks.
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