Ed West
For some reason Greek Prime Minister and leftist Alex Tsipras has blasted the European response to human migration. it is easy for a country like Greece with no economy or attraction of permanent residency of these migrations to now use this crisis as a political tool. This is what Aex Tsipras appears to be doing as he said he is ashamed of Europe and the EU for their response in growing Muslim movement into the Europe.

The Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras has condemned Europe's response to the migrant crisis as shameful, while comparing the decision to erect razor-wire barriers inside the Schengen zone to the BERLIN WALL. This is a leader who long has given his own people no hope in the system and now he is using these migrants as an issue to blast his neighbors not unlike much of how the Byzantine Empire used Muslims as pawns to get their objectives centuries ago eventually empowering their eventual would be conquerors. Alex went nuts after Austria became the third EU nation to put up barb wire to stop this pending doom and invasion of Europe as he knows his country will be stuck with these Afghani and Syrian scumbags just looking for a handout and to spread their burqa culture and push for sharia law expansion.

But Mr Tsipras blasted the controversial erections and compared it to the horrors of the Berlin Wall, which divided west Berlin during the Cold War years of 1961 to 1989. This comparison is stupid because the Berlin wall divided the same people not aliens and members of the Muslim world that has long ben hostile to the freedoms and civilization of ours and that we seeked to promote for the rest of the globe. Tsipras is an idiot for speaking on this issue and needs just to keep his trap hole shut and learn how to discourage these migrants. the only wall Alex Tsipras need worry about is the Greek wall of debt that is keeping his people poor and now have to worry about becoming a territory of Syrian refugees seeking new land and from their owned failed one that these Arabs are never capable f building a modern stable state without the influx of petro US dollars. If anything Europe needs to establish a Balkan Wall instead of a new Berlin wall that would stretch and cover the entire Bosporus.
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