Arturo Armando
Subway Sandwiches had to settle a lawsuit that claimed they were deceptive in their mass-marketing advertising they blast the airwaves with their awful food promotion. A kid in Australia measured several sandwiches that proved how small they were and his photograph went viral. After this went viral many people who had been long-time Subway customers decided to sue the bastards for the fact that these sandwiches were not has large as the company promoted.

This past week Subway announced that they will have their workers actually measure the bread and sandwiches and whether these mostly lazy Indian franchises owners will actually do this is yet to remain to be seen. This is a cheap corporate company more willing to spend on mass TV advertising than the quality of their product and quite literally if it actually measures up. People in many suburban and rural districts in the Anglo-Sphere world are stuck with these crummy franchises dotting the ugly sprawl landscape and it was not surprising that some bored Aussie teen was the one who actually took the initiative and questioned this company's claim on corporate media airwaves. Matt Corby had taken out his measure and showed the world through social media how small the sandwiches were from what the company claimed and his inspiration made others duplicate this and decide to sue this company.
After Corby's Footlong photo went viral, Subway customers around the world shared more photos to prove that their sandwiches also came up short. Four out of seven Footlongs purchased by the New York Post in the NYC region measured only 11 or 11.5 inches.
A Manhattan franchise owner told the Post that
Subway's bread is not the only thing shrinking. The cold-cut sizes have been cut by 25 percent. “The distributor has increased the food cost on the individual owners by 4 to 5 percent every year and provided the owners with less food," he told the Post.

. This is a com-nay that tries to make as much profit by cutting back as much size as it can get away with the consumer. Thanks to one kid the world woke up to the fact that Subway was all full of shit.
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