The reduction of millions of women as second class citizens in her native land has inspired Mona Eltahawy to be a feminist activist. She is a rare Arab woman who takes a stand against the Islamicist nature of her native lands wishing to hide woman from eyes of all men and she has written many op-eds about Egypt, the largest country in the Middle East. Mona talks about her aspirations for a dawn of a new era against the rural backwards religious extremism from the Middle East that has long swayed power and opinion in Muslim countries. She has written a ardent book for women's rights called " Headscarves and Hymens", Why the Middle East Needs A Sexual revolution. the repression of women's sexuality I have always said is the whole basis of Islamic teachings and religion and its following from backwaters poor parts of the world can easily be explained. The likelihood of a sexual Revolution occurring as it has in the Western World is not likely unfortunately because this region never had democratic principles and achievements that would make this possible
Mona Eltahawy wishes for a Middle Eastern sexual revolution
Eric Ericson
The reduction of millions of women as second class citizens in her native land has inspired Mona Eltahawy to be a feminist activist. She is a rare Arab woman who takes a stand against the Islamicist nature of her native lands wishing to hide woman from eyes of all men and she has written many op-eds about Egypt, the largest country in the Middle East. Mona talks about her aspirations for a dawn of a new era against the rural backwards religious extremism from the Middle East that has long swayed power and opinion in Muslim countries. She has written a ardent book for women's rights called " Headscarves and Hymens", Why the Middle East Needs A Sexual revolution. the repression of women's sexuality I have always said is the whole basis of Islamic teachings and religion and its following from backwaters poor parts of the world can easily be explained. The likelihood of a sexual Revolution occurring as it has in the Western World is not likely unfortunately because this region never had democratic principles and achievements that would make this possible
. Ms Eltahawy talks about in the book how long she had to wait to end her virginity and how powerful anti-sex expectations from her culture has scarred generations of young folks from this region who should naturally be enjoying and participating in what is human nature. The author writes about sexual assault culture of these countries and how many times women are their own worse enemies as women flock to purchase niqabs and force other women to wear these piles of disgusting terror wear on other women. The history of clerical pressure from the seventies on for women to wear these outfits and conversion of some well known actresses to wear this went a long way of promoting Islam through dress and opened up new opportunities for women societal oppression through fashion.
The repressive nature of religion and especially the Islamic one though doesn't make this possible and terror on their own woman folk to conform hits all aspects of their lives thanks mainly due to the brutal nature of the older generation who ensures future generations of Arabs and Muslims be repressed with this sexually identity of repression. Islam gives a Klan type mentality for brown people in this region and is primarily the reason why it has historically recent political and economic systems that seeked to deprive women of basic human rights. Eltahway though refuses to acknowledge in her book the main reason for the repression of women is seen as a cultural ethnocentricity look at western freedoms and cultures that has given opportunities and freedom for women in the west and this was only achieved with an attack on cultural institutions of religion by the American and European left. People in Arabia and Pakilands will never see American style freedoms for half of the population be
cause gender identification is so strongly associated with the backwards culture and religion enforcement these people come to expect and accept from their society. The Muslim religion is a cancer for equality and woman's rights and it took travel to Saudi Arabia for this author to fully see Muslim barbarous treatment of its own citizens yet she later vandalizes New York subway posters supporting Israel in its battle against neighboring savage regimes and kingdoms that would never give a woman like her so much press coverage to speak on issues. Saudi Arabia and the rise of Wahhabism was only made possible from US purchase of oil in this region during the cold war and this practice needs to come to an end in order to achieve some civilization for these lands to conform to a new modern age. The Arab lands including Egypt seem immutable to an awakening and getting away from religion mainly because of divisions with the rest of the world that it both feels superior and victimized through the years as they were never able to create a state of their own and were part of empires and seen land carved and ruled by more powerful foreigners. maybe if they took some of the important elements that made these foreigners more powerful and not be so imbued by hatred their Koranic verses teach of others they would possibly had something brighter to blush about in history instead of having pittance of wealth because of the attitudes of their cultural religious establishments.
The reduction of millions of women as second class citizens in her native land has inspired Mona Eltahawy to be a feminist activist. She is a rare Arab woman who takes a stand against the Islamicist nature of her native lands wishing to hide woman from eyes of all men and she has written many op-eds about Egypt, the largest country in the Middle East. Mona talks about her aspirations for a dawn of a new era against the rural backwards religious extremism from the Middle East that has long swayed power and opinion in Muslim countries. She has written a ardent book for women's rights called " Headscarves and Hymens", Why the Middle East Needs A Sexual revolution. the repression of women's sexuality I have always said is the whole basis of Islamic teachings and religion and its following from backwaters poor parts of the world can easily be explained. The likelihood of a sexual Revolution occurring as it has in the Western World is not likely unfortunately because this region never had democratic principles and achievements that would make this possible
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