Bigmouth Mancow Mullwer-one of the worse radio personalities of all time- bought a two million dollar house and was quoted in the paper how awful Chicago is and better in his North Sore suburb in his Italian renaissance home in Wilmette. One of the reasons it appears Erich moved there is given the tremendous exclusivity of places like Wilmette and Kenilworth where there is absolutely no economic or ethnic diversity. This exclusivity and the idea that morons like Mancow Muller are more deserving and able to get loans to attain these properties and create increased asset wealth with these discriminatory policies is absolutely why this country needs someone like Bernie Sanders and a revolutionary political awakening. This awakeni g is needed in order to destroy a system that rewards shitheads like Muller, Hollywood serial actors, and baseball players millions for their "work'. In fact, Muller points it out subliminally this is one of the reasons that attracted the bastard to this area like a magnet. For many years Muller lived in a expensive downtown Chicago highrise yet complained the city was unlivable because he had to see and bypass panhandlers down on the street.
Bigmouth Erich "Mancow" Muller moves away from city scum into North Shore mansion
Oscar Orton
Bigmouth Mancow Mullwer-one of the worse radio personalities of all time- bought a two million dollar house and was quoted in the paper how awful Chicago is and better in his North Sore suburb in his Italian renaissance home in Wilmette. One of the reasons it appears Erich moved there is given the tremendous exclusivity of places like Wilmette and Kenilworth where there is absolutely no economic or ethnic diversity. This exclusivity and the idea that morons like Mancow Muller are more deserving and able to get loans to attain these properties and create increased asset wealth with these discriminatory policies is absolutely why this country needs someone like Bernie Sanders and a revolutionary political awakening. This awakeni g is needed in order to destroy a system that rewards shitheads like Muller, Hollywood serial actors, and baseball players millions for their "work'. In fact, Muller points it out subliminally this is one of the reasons that attracted the bastard to this area like a magnet. For many years Muller lived in a expensive downtown Chicago highrise yet complained the city was unlivable because he had to see and bypass panhandlers down on the street.
Muller proposed the idea that Chicago's skyscrapers should have their own private sky streets or escalators to go down and into these nice restaurants and bars. The only reason a Mancow Muller was on the airwaves was for a mouthpiece to promote a right-wing agenda of hate and bigotry for those who are different and not of the same equal economic paper money income. Muller has done nothing but rip Chicago and the clear evidence of the outlandish inequality in this country is when a country bumkin like Erich Muller can have a two million dollar home in Chicago's North Shore. Muller went on to describe how Wilmette is paradise and that rich people don't have to worry about awful bad schools. He went on to describe how he prayed to God to get this house and one wonders if men like Muller pray to god for the country to continue the path to massive inequalities.
Places in the North Shore such as Kenilworth and Wilmette should not have money determine exclusivity and one of the big failures of the Obama administration has been his inability to enforce on these exclusivity sanctuary suburbs a open-housing plan that they had sought requiring ten percent of housing to be affordable for all. Good to see the arrogant Mancow Muller slowly position himself to be a future replacement to Rush Limbaugh in a few years with his stupid thinking and speaking,
Bigmouth Mancow Mullwer-one of the worse radio personalities of all time- bought a two million dollar house and was quoted in the paper how awful Chicago is and better in his North Sore suburb in his Italian renaissance home in Wilmette. One of the reasons it appears Erich moved there is given the tremendous exclusivity of places like Wilmette and Kenilworth where there is absolutely no economic or ethnic diversity. This exclusivity and the idea that morons like Mancow Muller are more deserving and able to get loans to attain these properties and create increased asset wealth with these discriminatory policies is absolutely why this country needs someone like Bernie Sanders and a revolutionary political awakening. This awakeni g is needed in order to destroy a system that rewards shitheads like Muller, Hollywood serial actors, and baseball players millions for their "work'. In fact, Muller points it out subliminally this is one of the reasons that attracted the bastard to this area like a magnet. For many years Muller lived in a expensive downtown Chicago highrise yet complained the city was unlivable because he had to see and bypass panhandlers down on the street.
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