Carl Olsen
London has seen a buildup of tall buildings in its modern days and this the new buildings that would disgust a James Howard Kuntsler-one of the prophets of doom- and the transformation of this city and its geographical and historical depth has been shameful. The growth of London thanks to international corrupt money and the fraudsters looking for a safe place to protect the stolen assets of theirhe skyline is an ugly mix of old and new buildings. it government has enables the population to grow some two million people in the past twenty years. Kuntsler is disgusted and sees little future for these tall skyscrapers whose only ability to have maintenance done to keep it up requires massive expenditure as they age and that could only be done through the chicanery of the elites that reside in these modern day castles for the nobility.

Many Londoners are starting to feel as their being colonized by these pompous foreigners from India and Pakistan who are the winners in their countries glide to neo-liberalism free-market capitalism yet somehow reside in London causing these rents to skyrocket. The failure of Great Britain to halt this inflow of big money takeover of London is a growing problem causing massive anxiety of a population increasingly repulsed by this invasion and change within London. Kuntsler would be totally repulsed by one building in particular which is called the walkie-talkie microphone building because it is so modern and ugly it looks like a talk show host's microphone. This building has been a problem form day one with it beaming sun rays into peoples eyes and melting cars.

This building is a totem to plutocracy as Blair Kamin writes in the Tribune architecture column. Everyday Londoners need to continue to fight this ugly new character the wealthy try to build and displace neat historical structures more in tune with the community and why the wealthy just don't build their mega-cities in Dubai or Calcutta and instead ruin a historical European city with their bad modern skyscraper is a topic best left for the great James Howard Kuntsler to write about. For many at this blog the skyscraper is basically the West's Trojan horse to powerful wealthy non-western people to mold new societies of their old homelands into the European one.
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