Bill Nye concerned about nuclear reactors and dangers they expose to all

Larry Frost 
   Bill Nye has a new book where he examines how science can solve some obstacles for the planet in dealing with the sudden and dramatic need to alter climate change caused by increased human interactions with the planet. His book "Unstoppable" is a look at some of the key energy needs and problems humanity faces with a population that continues to grow unabated leading to the crisis of global warming. bill Nye is optimistic that we can harness and use science and what we have learned thus far to make a transition and lifestyle change that can alter the path of environmental self-destruction.He doesn't seem to think many of the problems we have created with a modern industrial society is insurmountable despite that many people resist changing their lifestyle and so many billions want in on the heavy consumption Western lifestyle. Nye produces a lot of scientific ideas that have been thrown out suggested by scientists as geoengineering but most of these ideas are fantasyland such as capturing light from creating bubbles along rivers and oceans. Perhaps if Nye is serious about the steps needed to taken to stop climatic change he should be a big advocate of reinstating ass poverty all around the world because any amount of economic slowdown will right this ship that mankind has set. UnstoppableThe most interesting aspect of this book is Nye's writings on Nuclear power and wonders if mankind could maintenance the place for centuries and where would we put all the waste that needs to be hidden and put in remote areas as it would be radioactive for ten thousand years. Nye recalls his visit to a nuclear rector and describes the complexities of running a reactor and ensuring the material doesn't get out and in the air and dust one must be scared shitless that countries like Iran and North Korea will have the capabilities of operating a reactor. How will these countries ensure the safety of the planet and dangers of producing clean electricity can have on the planet? One way or another we are doomed to resemble mutant  humans from the original planet of the Apes moviesImage result for human mutants planet of apes movie



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