Arturo Armando
Carl Jr's CEO Andy Pudzer is a putz.

He recently complained in the Wall Street Journal about people pushing for high wages for retail sector workers is ruining business as Wal Marts flee towns with five thousand people. He backed Wal-Marts decision to back out of some Washington DC new stores because of the higher wage requirement and this complaining for a guy who makes 261 times what the workers at his disgusting greasy fast food joint is obscene.

Andy "Putzs" Pudzer business and business plan adds nothing except a plan to put people into obesity and poverty together. This is the last idiot who should make any comments on minimum wage and the extravagant lifestyle from these shitheads like this putz are reasons why workers are stuck in low-wage occupations that show no sign of ever seeing wages rise. This scumbag is very vocal on Wal mart and other businesses like him that only offer crummy wages and use their resources to battle against improvement of working conditions and increased wages for those on the bottom because Andy Pudzer knows these businesses need to stick together in keeping the workers down. This is a guy who makes three hundred times the minimum wage and knows little of a life and struggle it is for the thousands of workers that enable this sorry old son of a bitch to live a lifestyle of excess.

The CEO of CKA restaurants knows nothing of good job creation and the jobs he wants to remain and stay I the economy are those that are way below a living wages so businesses like him can be guaranteed to always have a reduced begging working class willing to take his Burger World type of job. Carl Juniors is such a Burger World eatery and me and Chuck Woodruff will have a more indepth Left Shark discussion in the coming days about these places.
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