Dave Berkson
scary face female sports columnist Nancy Armour wrote another gem in talking about Ken Stabler and head trauma crisis Americas favorite sports league finds itself constantly under scrutiny. She says the NFL has long paid lip service about caring for the health and well-beeing of player in resisting change of the game. pro Football needs to resemble Australian Football of rugby more and less of the impact collision ball as it is known today.

I often enjoy watching the Queensland reds in rugby and never see the violent and endless injuries on the field as I do observing the horror of American football. the athletes in rugby are no less manly and indeed all are in tip-top strength and shape as there are no obese assholes clogging up space with their fried-chicken mass. Kenny "Snake " Stabler went to a few Super Bowls but he also went to his grave early as the son of a gun was whacked and plowed for decades all over his fucking head by linemen who were not restricted in many ways as they are of today

. Nancy rightfully observed that as long as these defense players get slaps on the wrists for late excess hits this trauma issue for NFL players will never go away and players, both defensive and offensive, will spend their last days in agony and headache dizzing faze. Football is not safe for children and would really cause destructive behavior and parents are deciding less and less to put little Johnny into a league where he can damage his growing little brain. There have been little substantive changes in the attitudes of coaches and the players with their vicious hits and the dangers posed by continued hit is ignored by a league only interested in dibbing up the insane profits of ten billion. As far as I go I will watch less and less of this league and the insanity these players have to deal with during and after their career and follow more and more the Queensland Reds and other less violent and full force football activity.
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