Another boring baseball season starts as sport becomes more wealthy and white on the field

Earl "Bam Bam "Cunningham
   Baseball is starting another boring season and just one look at the rosters and upper management and the sport continues the trend towards becoming a country club and resembling golf. More and more every year the sport is filled with players whose family incomes are way higher than the average Americans and it would really have looked like tennis and golf had it not been for the year round playing ability and sport-crazed talents of Caribbean players. Why they embrace this primordial of organized sport to this day I do not know. . The investing class in America has basically taken over this sport and reimaged the players and upper management to resemble corporate America and this will only continue to decline any appeal of the sport to Black America. Baseball has done nothing to address the issue why more and more black Americans hardly take up the game and their are several factors that add to this unique element of baseball. This sport is run by metrosexuals who better stay out of the locker rooms otherwise their wandering eyes will get them a black eye.  Baseball is continuingly run not by former players but these nerds obsessed with stats and thinking they know how to crunch data as the sport is some sort of financial investment that they can predict results and actions from studying how a player hits in may in 2012. Most of these guys should be out in the corporate world ruining peoples jobs and bringing down companies instead of acting like important people on the baseball field and not being seen as the pariahs as they are in the sports world. this sport has long gone from being a blue-collar event and been sold to the highest bidder where most of the fans are old and connected to the same corporate world likely getting their tickets through company profits and exchanges of gratuities between companies. Baseball is only as successful as it has because it has long held a monopoly in the summers on sports but even with dismal ratings and bad attendance in many markets tne gig will eventually be up for these non-athletic asses whose playing time mainly consists of sitting on the bench chewing tobacco and seeds. There are large chunks of the American population that is ignorant and doesn't really know athletic competition and I really think they all go and support baseball just because their parents did and grandparents before them so forth. As the family structures for all societies continues to be broken down and immigration from soccer-crazed countries continued unabated you will see more of a decline in baseball especially as these old goats start dying off who long supported a bad product such as what was seen for so long at Wrigley Field. only stubborn bastards would be a fan of this nonsense and just watching the pale action on the field it is easy to see why so many brothers skip this shit except for a few attention-seeking bums that bammmm need to stand out in the center of the crowd.

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