Brendan Iribe's virtual reality sucess is dependent on billionaire fools to invest

   Clark Kramer
  Brendon Iribe was interviewed in the Wall Street Journal once again trying to convince people that 2016 is the year of Virtual Reality. Brendan thinks people will be willing to put down 6oo dollars and sit for hours on end staring at a headset and a screen pressed up at your eyes.  The Facebook/Oculus Ponzi scheme investing gag relies on foolish decisions by tech titans like Mark Zuckerberg convinced something this foolish is the next platform for computing. Instead it will the next platform for people losing their eyesight prematurely and having to live a life with coke-bottle rim glasses. This venture will be as successful as Google Glass and has about as much chance of succeeding as the CB radio has of returning to popularity. Brendon Iribe's success has already been accomplished and that was getting mark Zuckerberg to invest so this guy can continue to play fun and games and make a living from these silly adventures. The problem is that these investments for stupid concepts take money away from more pressing investments needed for infrastructure improvements but instead it goes through the drive for computer games and virtual reality nonsense. What these investors should be asking these two clowns is why is there a need for this product and why is so much time and energy going into something that only a few die-hard gamers would be willing to keep on their fucking chrome-dome for more than half an hour. Iribe is straight-face as he talks about the improvements of a built-in mic and 3 d technology audio so you can talk to your friends in this virtual reality world instead of the real word on a land-line of cell phone. Brendon feels confident that there will ot be narrow margins as three companies put out products for a product whose demand is unwarranted and will do nothing except make people feel like they have sniffed glue after wearing for a few minutes. I don't know what these tech-guys are smoking but they would have much more success pushing something called Google grass instead of Google glass. Sony, HTC, and Facebook will all be hugely disappointed and just piss off future potential investors when this virtual reality headset crashes for these crash test dummy engineers who try hard to contrive of a new need for consumers in electronic gadgetry and wizardry in order to con people of their money to invest in these bad projects.

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