Glen Beck has made news much this week with his bogus talk and nonsense as first he said that FOX let him go because he rapped about God too much. FOX news said Beck's neuroticism on TV was causing them to lose advertisers and that he mentioned God about five hundred times a month and no bearing on their decision to tell him to leave. Glen Becks continuing promotion of religion and talking crazy shit about hearing Gods voice actually warranted him losing his show and for this pressure put on Mr Beck to keep his God talk to a minimum FOX news should be praised. Glen Beck said he decided to leave FOX and start his own Christian ministry and Blaze network after a four-hour talk with God who cut the conversation with Glen shirt as he was busy and had other appointments to get through the day. God had convinced Glen Beck there was no future at the network and that any network that would question his ability to be a messenger and prophet on God was a network that didn't deserve this very untalented man.
glen beck also stated that Supreme Court Justice Tony Scalia's death was an ordained act of the mighty in order tog et Americans to take this presidential race seriously and the importance of getting a right-wing old son of a bitch to replace the one who just dropped dead. Scalia was instrumental for citizens United and for this was deserving of a dirtnap but the last thing we need is a replacement of asshole just like him. if anything this was an ordained act from Mother Earth to get a progressive into Scalias place so we can get a justice who is not a shell for dirty coal and Oil and big money in the resource extraction destruction attempt by these crazy Christians who want to quicken the demise of the planet because they think it will usher in another life where a scumbag like Antonia Scalia and Glen Beck will have eternal life instead of dirt naps. There is a special place in Earth's dirt for senseless souls like Beck and Scalia.
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