Terry Blue
Pedicab owners will face more restrictions and have to get license in the city of Chicago as Rahm Emmanuel decided to close a loop-hole these bike drivers exploited to get around stiffer regulations. pedicab owners have long claimed that they were giving passengers a free lift and if tips occurred the passengers decided on this and thus were really not in a business. Emmanuel's administration decided to end this ambiguity and nonsense once and for all. Pedicabs are nonsense and an eye sore usually being operated in high-bar areas or nightlife in Chicago and their 'tip options' were often used to avoid licensing, insurance, and safety regulations.

Roger rickshaw blasted the mayor for even getting involved against these pedicab owners who just want to bring some good old-fashion rickshaw driving to Chicago. Most cities had long put regulations and forced these people to ensure passengers are safe but Chicago had gained a reputation and pedicab operators from all over the country were coming to Chicago and giving lazy folks numerable options away from crowded streets. pedicabs actually are very unsafe and a distraction to drivers and pedestrians offering more ways to get injured unnecessary and the relaxed pedicab regulations were attracting foreign students with expired visas to find ways of employment and overstaying their welcome and bullshit student visit to America.
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