Howard Stern fans are retarded and in the news recently I see two big ones known through this mans pathetic radio program bit the dust. I think this may e a problem for Howard Stern as his old base dies off and younger people reject the lame ass celebrity kiss ass shit that Howard Stern is willing to do. The first of Howards Stern's wack pack to drop wacked was Riley Martin. martin was some guest who claimed he was abducted and sodomized some three hundred times by aliens since the 50's Riley Martin would be termed a UFO expert and given his own show through the Sirius XM network and one has to wonder how many millions this stupid company paid this man through the years Howard helped his whack job friend get this gig.

The other stupid wack pack member of dum dum Howard Stern to drop was crackhead Bob. I don't know much about crack head Bob but the name implies pretty much what his character was about and just another example of Howard Stern celebrating the dumming down rejects of American society that allowed him to rise with high ratings from talking to wach fucks that were
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