Cougar Face
Runs like Cougar
Apaches originally started out as American allies and eventually became public enemy number one out West and no event looms greatest tragedy of these and represents the defeat of these proud people than the Camp grant massacre. Historian Karl Jacoby brings the event s leading up to this brutal attack that killed over a hundred and fifty apaches from a combined attack by Mexicans, Americans,
and Papago Indians April of 1871.

Not one of the raiders were killed in this attack and this attack did provoke an outcry our East of the wanton murder of Apaches on what was suppose to be a future reservation. Jacoby gives a history f the area where the Spanish fought endless campaigns to pacify the Natives and bring "Christian" civilization into the Southwest of America and Northern Mexico. The currant events taking place in Syria resembles much of these conflicts the Americans had by 1871 had inherited from their conquest of the region trying to play peace with all the tribes and bring stability to the region. apaches were long used as auxiliaries in fighting other Indians by both the Spanish and American governmental authorities and they burned many bridges with neighboring Indians in what had always been a brutal region. This book helps explain the region and history of the various Indians and Spanish settlements and the constant raiding culture that took places between Indians and between Indians and subjects of Spain.

The Western notion of Indian warfare has always been portrayed as more savage as the eastern Indian conflicts and Apaches to this day are sensitive about tis incident and the stereotype of a warrior culture of their tribal group. apaches are one of the largest groups of native Americans and their survival to this day in a history of so many brutal enemies that often exposed the tribes extermination is a testimony of the tenacity of this perhaps most famous of all native American groups. the line between Mexican and apache was often blurred in this area as many people share blood through the various racial mixing that often was the result of captures and raids of people to be adopted into the others cultural group. This is a great book of what was a very diverse tribe that was not all uniform and whose various bands made them much harder to contend and deal with by both the Mexican republic and the United states through decades of stiff resistance the apaches put up against the slowly burgeoning non-indigenous populations in the Tucson area.
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