Lee Park Kong
Maria Kang is a body image elitist who judges a book by its cover. Maria Kang is a fitness expert who often shames other women who don't have the same intensity to spend hours sweating in a gym to meet her body to fat ratio that Ms Kang thinks is no excuse to be overweight. Maria Kang made some news some years back fat-shaming women showing a picture of her three kids and asking other women who are overweight what their excuse is. This produced a social media firestorm as people called out this own and her method of judgment on other women.

Many working women and not trophy Asian prizes for white guys, actually have to work more than eight hours a day and do not have the extra income to afford and pay a nanny to outsource raising of kids. Maria Kang is just another Asian woman trying so hard to be accepted into White society and her ultimate drive in becoming fit was finding a wealthy fit White husband. This without a doubt is the reason Hot workout mom strived so hard to become sexy and fit as she wanted bi-racial children to make up for the lower self-esteem she felt being Asian. I have seen so many Asian woman that are fitness gurus and their motivation is to marry outside of their race.

ms kang will find out no matter how hard she runs in the gym that as a body gets older it is more and more difficult to remain your slim proportionate body that gets one on the cover of fitness magazines because she had the impudence to shame other women for not having the time and energy to shed excess pounds in this stationary world. I imagine Ms Kang is also from California and not freezing areas of the country where six months out of the year one cannot really spend much time outside and doing physical activities.

Appearently this is not an excuse for fatwomen neither in the mind and writings of Maria Kang
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