I was ready to title a post is Milt Rosenberg still alive until I came across the reason his show hasn't added any new podcasts through WCGO is because the station dumped is ass last November along with brad Jackson's coffee and markets libertarian propaganda program. Both of these bozos will have to rely on their streaming sites for new productions as either of them has received a radio outlet for their programs both of which act like Barack Obama is running for a third term and just cant shut up about his policies and rule. Milt Rosenberg is a hundred years old but still as sharp as a pencil while brad Jackson is that cheap Chinese fountain pen that ran out of ink years ago. The loss for the young up and coming Brad Jackson was tough on his ego as he tries to build a name for himself in the libertarian anti-government podcast arena. For the geriatric Milt Rosenberg he is just lucky to be alive at his age and any broadcast work he does these days is just gravy and something to do an excuse to talk to his old friends from the University of Chicago including Charles

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