Terry Blue
General Motors smells blood and is hoping to put the final nail in the coffin of the foreign driver taxi industry. It is allowing LYFT drivers the opportunity to rent to own GM vehicles an is meant to expand LYFTs presence and motivate them to drive-share more people. GM had put five hundred million in this new company as the corporate executives realize that the days of everyone getting a loan and being able to purchase a vehicle are done. over a hundred and fifty thousand people have attempted to become Lyft drivers but didn't meet the standard as their cars were too old. drivers don't need to own the vehicle know to drive and give some competition to taxis who once didn't let people driver unwilling to shill out half a million dollars for a medallion scam.
Amber Kanwar said this is like feeding the unicorns as this young reporter for the BNN doesn't know shit on the taxi industry and is worried that her uncle nepawlui may be losing his trade and value of his medallions or something. An Amber Kanwar is on TV for eye candy and not need to give her opinion on any business decisions from GM unless if she is on the board of GM. An Amber Kanwar will never be on a board of a corporate five hundred company so her snarly comments after her news stories on the Business News Network which is a little listened too and viewed business show with few viewers willing to put up wit this Indian girls snarky mouth from the Sri Lankan south and heavy makeup.
This is big news and not unicorn bushtit. being able to get these people into a car with no costs after sixty five rides is further proof the monopolistic crony-capitalist foreign chain migration labor discriminatory practices against Native-born Americans is coming to an end.

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