Move over Baltic nations because you should have a Muslim nation next to you. In actuality a Jewish nation should of been places in the Baltics instead of the Mid-east displacing Palestinians following World War II and why the Jewish state was located where Israel and not somewhere tucked safely in Europe. I will never understand. European Jewry could easily have been given enough land about the size of Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia to settle the Jewish question once and for all in Europe. The land South of Finland and that borders Estonia could easily be transformed into a Jewish nation and relocation possible as most Jewish people are transient world travelers anyway. I think many in the Jewish world know that the state of Israel is not sustainable and the gig is up and until the realization it makes things more worse than better then the relocation effort will be considered. these three ethnic groups have their own nation and a Jewish neighbor and fourth one could easily have been carved out in the Baltics.
Jewish states should have been outside of the holy land and in North Africa and Baltics.
Arnold Buckley
Move over Baltic nations because you should have a Muslim nation next to you. In actuality a Jewish nation should of been places in the Baltics instead of the Mid-east displacing Palestinians following World War II and why the Jewish state was located where Israel and not somewhere tucked safely in Europe. I will never understand. European Jewry could easily have been given enough land about the size of Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia to settle the Jewish question once and for all in Europe. The land South of Finland and that borders Estonia could easily be transformed into a Jewish nation and relocation possible as most Jewish people are transient world travelers anyway. I think many in the Jewish world know that the state of Israel is not sustainable and the gig is up and until the realization it makes things more worse than better then the relocation effort will be considered. these three ethnic groups have their own nation and a Jewish neighbor and fourth one could easily have been carved out in the Baltics.
Heck they should of just been given Latvia and displacing the Latvians would of been less of a hassle than Arabs given the demographics and the trouble this was sure to cause in the Jewish mandate and giving Israel to the Jews. the problem is the Jews, like the other two screwed up religions of Abraham, consider land in Israel to be holy land or something of more special status than the rest of the mother nature land given to us from accumulation of star dust. Jews taking and causing so much suffering in the oppression of Palestinians to continue this charade is shameful and given the trajectory of religious reasoning to this decision is further proof of the madness. One thing for certain is that Jews will always find perpetual warfare as the Crusaders also witnessed when they tried colonizing and taking these special lands some eight and nine centuries ago. the best thing for the state of Israel is just like in their history the Jews should just pack up and resettle in a more appropriate place and that place my friends is a new nation and fourth Baltic nation. heck why do they have to have just one Jewish state and perhaps there is land in north Africa for the Jews to also settle giving up Israel back to the original habitants. I imagine a part of Western Sahara could be sold to another Jewish formation group
This Sahara land actually has an indigenous group trying to fight for independence but their numbers are ridiculously small and they have no economy. The Jewish state in Israel has proven they can transform desert into a powerful state in short order and can easily buy out these people and have another Jewish state in North Africa which is deserving of one given the long history of Jews in Africa. Israel ad social tension for years just withen their own Jewish sub-groups and the division of European and North African descendent Jewry and Israel has done a tremendous job of unifying the Jews but mainly at the expense of unity over Palestinian fear.
Move over Baltic nations because you should have a Muslim nation next to you. In actuality a Jewish nation should of been places in the Baltics instead of the Mid-east displacing Palestinians following World War II and why the Jewish state was located where Israel and not somewhere tucked safely in Europe. I will never understand. European Jewry could easily have been given enough land about the size of Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia to settle the Jewish question once and for all in Europe. The land South of Finland and that borders Estonia could easily be transformed into a Jewish nation and relocation possible as most Jewish people are transient world travelers anyway. I think many in the Jewish world know that the state of Israel is not sustainable and the gig is up and until the realization it makes things more worse than better then the relocation effort will be considered. these three ethnic groups have their own nation and a Jewish neighbor and fourth one could easily have been carved out in the Baltics.
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