Lester Yates
David Pakman and his co-host Louis were discussing objects bought through their link on Amazon where they get a little kickback jingle for their program .

An expensive pair of sunglasses was purchases and they discussed expensive sunglasses in general and how both no longer buy the four hundred dollar pair of Raybom sunglasses and other pricy status symbols that were once these expensive sunglasses. Sunglasses was another item that corporations and the consumption sales industry tried to push as items of luxury and brand certain names as if a company can actually make a better pair of sunglasses and charge these exuberant prices for this humdrum product.

Both Louis and Pavid Pakman said they only purchase ten dollar sun glasses these days has both men have matured to the point that they don't need to make a point with these pricy sunglasses. Pakman went o to say that he would often lose his expensive sunglasses a week after purchasing them and that he doesn't like going to glasses stores and having a clerk hover behind him as he looks at himself in the mirror. Louis said that these glasses are easy to break and they re really not worth more than twenty

dollars as basically these are disposable items and glasses I general are not fashionable items. Sunglasses as a luxurt ust ve item are a thig of the past in the eighties and the recent failures of Google Glass are even more proof that glasses as items of luxury such as watches are kaput.

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