Jordon Morgan
Milwaukee's Kristan Harris and Mike Pecnesy host a crummy alternative conspiracy internet radio program and are an embarrassment for the twelve people in Milwaukee who actually heard of this not so dynamic duo. Kirsten Harris and Mike P often talk about technology and it replacing people and I really think one of the biggest fears of Kristan Harris is that robots will rebel. They recently also talked about robot sex and wondered if this would replace human interactions and sexual relations and clearly with these two duds rubber and plastic dolls have replaced real women.

big burly men buy and trade sex with robotic dolls with one another while rating the performance of the doll. Kristen Harris and Mike P along with others out there are intrigued by the prospect of having sex with a robot and this will continue to be a major theme of many of these podcasters out there on futuristic and robotic roles in human transgression and evolution in the near future. For the Rundown Live guys in Milwaukee this future can't come soon enough and getting it down with various human and insect-like robots is a fantasy they want to experience ASAP to share on the

air with their devoted listenership on the truth frequency dial.

It should be obvious then that Mike Pecnesy and Kristan Harris would both make love and double team a robot of their liking most likely a male robot. big Mike would likely want one resembling bigfoot and I think Kristan Harris likely would prefer a robot that had six arms or legs resembling a spider more than a human being. The run down fags actually talked quite a bit about the whole concept of sex with a robot which is increasingly more and more often a post of this blog wondering if our podcast favorites would actually dig it with a robot. Pecneskey couldn't believe that there is an actual campaign to ban sex with bots as some in the UK say this is female exploitation of having
they might want a robot resembling the other to satisfy their repressed lust for one another