Jordon Morgan
Holman W Jenkins Jr is a meathead. Another trump blasting writer at the Wall street Journal he recently penned an article on Trump's useless revolution and the phenomenon of Donald Trump's political rise. he mocks those who say his wall and trade war with China would rebound the country because he is a writer for the globalist cross border advocates who think they know better and want to make it more difficult for governments to stop their cross-barrier money barter exchanges with other wealthy people. the wealth produced by these fucks would not have been possible with their agendas to take advantage of low-wage areas and transfer jobs that were never their owns and obviously a prick like this homo Holman W Jenkins was little affected by globalization. The social programs that have help so many are seen by this idiot holding people back and not making them take worthless jobs that Holman wants to see others fill to help out the economy and mainly wealthy people who fund his articles and keep him employed at the wall Street Journal..
The brutal economic cultural revolution of the globalists were achieved through outlets like the Wall street Journal and the paid propagandist writers like Mr Jenkins who try their best to railroad candidates and perhaps they were successful in the past. one could imagine that a Holman Jenkins Sr may have been writing in the wall Street Journal back in 1992 attacking Ross Perot's vision and platform in this pro-business outlet that is influential with people with money and ability to donate politically to campaigns and have some influence on elections. Holman is a piece of shit even uglier with a real picture than the cartoon drawn comic version of his mug on the Wall Street Journal and as I read the Wednesday March 23 Wall street Journal on the toilet his article is more appropriate to use than the roll next to the throne I sit on. This guy is an idiot and basically wall street Journal hacks like him really don't know shit about why Donald Trump has risen in the pols and basically kicking the asses of all the republican establishment politicians and writers like Homlan.
This jerk complains that the social government safety nets discourages people from moving to areas where their are good hard laborious jobs fracking oil in remote Dakota instead of living in an exciting city. Without the safety net and government spending on the poor America would of experiences its own Syria when the Bosnian war was being waged. Homlan thinks it is political gerrymandering that keeps blacks in impoverished neighborhoods and not property owners fighting low-income housing growth in expensive suburbs. Donald Trump scares the shit out of Holman because he doesn't stand for more of the status quo and this country conducting global trade where only a few corporate CEOs and other upper management thrives while poverty fly-by areas stay impoverished.
Holman Jenkins is such a nasty asshole