Hugh Kennedy is an author that laments the fall of the Abbasisd rulers in Baghdad. He calls this dynasty that founded Baghdad in 762 the greatest Islamisist caliphate and writes how it was once the center of higher learning and the arts, philosophy. poetry. literary dialogue, and scientific learning. Kennedy recalls the two centuries where the caliphate had real power and ruled over creating a contemporary respected civilization by future historians up to Hugh Kennedy himself. Baghdad was a different place and in a sense a better off place with rule of this as opposed to corrupt dictatorships ruled with an iron fist.
Of course Kennedy doesn't deal with the fact that this golden age wasn't so great for the various minorities of non-Muslims that lived under the rule of this empire Kennedy narrates early Baghdad and how Arab Muslims migrated to the area negotiating an uneasy peace with the Turkish nomads and Persian princes who they soon intermarried and would rule over. Kennedy details the transition of the Abbasaid dynasty takeover of the Umayyad caliph. The new rule of Mansur and his legacy is presented by facts and earning how Baghdad became headquarters of intellect Islamic world through this dynamic family dynast is intriguing to people who kno little of Iraq's rich history for which the United States has been so involved in the past two decades. Mansur had overcome tremendous challenges to his new rule and soon established a caliphate of solid foundation that would make Osama Bin laden green with jealously and inspire him many centuries later. Usually when radical Muslims talk of returning their rule of their lands they usually mean this time period and Baghdad's success in this epoch.

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