Rod Blagojevich loses appeals and mulls arun for the presidency in 2016 as a third party candidate

Cecil Brewster
  Rod Blagojevich has made this blog again. before there was the left shark there was the Rod Blagojevich and Drew person times consisting of news of the political corruption of democratic leaders of this nations semi-independent city-states long run by the dollarocracy of foreign individuals and their bought police force and politicians such as old Rod face.  After months of being off Rod Blagojevich is still kicking and he days ago lost another appeal to underestimate his corruption crimes and try to get him to a lesser sentence for using government to enrich his own financial position and the recent supreme Courts decision that this crook doesn't deserve a new hearing was pleasing to the ears. This is a guy who attempted to profit and trade his power as the state of Illinois tope elected official and sell positions and assets as if this country was Iraq or something. This guy was deserving of a forty year sentence for undermining democracy and not a fourteen year one that he is constantly trying to have reduced as he sits in a cozy federal orison in Colorado instead of serving time in California and Western Cook County jail. A federal appeals court had tossed out five indictments against Blagojevich giving him hope he could be released soon it the recent ruling against him ruined his hopes and possibility of getting in the democratic presidential race in 2016. He still has hopes of being named Hillary Clinton's running mate but this looks less and less likely as he will likely remain in a federal prison and have to serve his justifiable sentence. Life is tough for Blagojevich now as instead of being a governor he is just now a number and a little man in a big system getting his just reward for trying to use elected position as a ATM machine for himself and his family. Image result for rod blagojevich prison Rod Blagojevich is just a little guy now locked up for his own corruptive ideals and incompetence . The farce and travesty of this guy for continuing to try to use the legal system to skip out on his crimes and responsibility is proof of the arrogance of this jackass and his stupidity and downfall could easily have been predicted. This guy will never see any dollar signs or poll numbers  numbers soon for sitting on his ass and the only numbers he should get use to is the ones assigned to him until he finishes his full fourteen year term in Colorado. Image result for rod blagojevich prison

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