Stupid Batman and Superman movie make tons of movie from dumb audiences despite horrible reviews

Nick Dumbjilio
   Movie audiences are just plain dumb. Superman vs Batman got some of the worse reviews in recent memory but movie audiences gathered in droves to see this crap. The whole concept of superman vs batman is ludicrous as superheroes would be above petty nonsense yet somehow the movie audiences can't seem to get enough of anything related to comic super heroes as a movieline. Disney is attempting to ilk this revenue machine and putting disparate superheroes in the same universe is something they think they can achieve but in the long run it is just wrong and will hurt these franchises.   Batman and Superman were characters not to be sharing title roles and audiences will soon start to see that these heroes can't or should star in solo acts putting them all together as Disney tragically has done with this movie. This movie for two and half hours tried to make sense why a Batman and Superman should fight one another instead of the intended consequences of their creation is battling villains. That I the whole point of superheroes in battling evil and now Disney wants to make the transition that some superheroes an become villains all of a sudden. what the  fuck is that not that I really give a shit as a movie critic hating all this Superheroes obsessed generation movies being produced. Eventually the sons and daughters of this current generation will want nothing to do with their parents Superheroes obsession and this transition should occur in another decade or so. It seems only then  before we are free of these Superhero constant garbage thrown out by Hollywood and that keeps generating so much money as this movie enjoyed this past weekend. The success of Marvel and DC characters hasn't yet spawned some new company from just mass creating a boatload of new super hero characters has I expected though and still expect before the superhero bubble crashes in about twenty years when young adults, who make the majority of movie goers, look at their parents photo albums and hear their parents enthusiasm for these movies and decide they want to see eighties style  comedies or fifties film noir detectives or Westerns to be the new pop culture

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