Alex Boese gives a lowdown on the down low of fake stories.

Clifford Gifford
   Calling out hoaxes is a passion of Alex Boese and he has written an excellent book called "Hippo Eats dwarf" where he basically create this field guide to elaborate media hoaxes and attempts by folks out there. The internet era has enabled everyone to be their own private Weekly World news satirist with tiring bullshit put out on the World Wide Web and  this is something writer Alex Boese and his dog wants to expose to the reader. In this uniquely illustrate book the author navigates through some rumors and urban legends in recent years that fooled many of the intelligentsia of modern day cultures believing in anything they see in print or on the computer screen. he covers the basics of hoaxes from food to technology, business, entertainment, romance, internet, and to photography dispelling many ideas that too many recall as facts and trusted newsworthy informative conversational pieces. Boese gives reality checks on many topics and touched photos that many took for being real. That so many Americans can be snookered into believing in things that should be unbelievable on face sums up the impeded brain of many people. Many things go debunked and s the author points out many of these touched-photography jokes were never intended to go viral but intended to stay  within a small group of friends. This red is chock full of phony stories that were promoted as truth and fact and he gives many examples and if this is a topic you re interested how people take the unreal and try to make real then this book is highly recommend read  I also like the cover of this book because this has always been the way I want to go out in this world if ever given a choice and that is to be hipppotamized and taken down like a 7 11 big gulp..

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