Comcast digs in battle against FOX and baseball increasing costs for boring televised sports

Guy Baldwin
   Comcast is attempting to slow the growth of major League Baseballs racketeering on cable consumers in America that they have gotten away with and exploited for decades. They have practically taken a blue-collar sport and turned it over to the rich who basically only profit through this boring sport by their scamming of cable companies and consumers. pay-TV providers are digging in their heels and trying to stop the growth of money and income of Major League Baseball through their over-charging and subsidies on cable consumers, most of whom never even turn on these baseball channels for more than a few minutes if ever. This is an industry resistant to change and why you usually have these really old men always announcing the games instead of people the same age as the players which might of brought more interest to a new generation. Instead they allow these dinosaurs to broadcast the game and tell stories of events forty years ago with payers long forgotten by even the most die-hard fan.   The enormous money stream I baseball and why your average and even bad ball players get paid like they are their own CEOs was only made possible through the business of sports-rights selling. There are now a ton of sports channels with little viewership all over cable through this assumption that sports fans cannot live without their sports on cable. The compensation for those involved in the sports industrial complex is obscene and finally the costs got so much that the big-pat-TV distributers are beginning to push back aggressively finally realizing that consumers are getting edgy about rising costs for content many do not even fucking want included in their package. Consumers are a few years away of finally braking the system nd demanding only acquiring the channels they want on their package and for many this will not include the Golf Channel. The sports franchises were counting on this scam to continue to give bullshit over-value of their business model which would never actually be worth what the fucks at Forbes may claim. Big-time professional sports expenditure is not sustainable and likely the days of athletes getting millions from Billionaire owners using their crony connections to sweeten their stadium deals and then mass profiting and charging tax-payers should likely end when the public realizes they are subsidizing these extreme and bogus pay for grown men to play a game in silly pajamas.  The sorts industry is in crisis mode as media companies realize that organized professional sport are hitting their own bottom line and overcharging. This scam will eventually make many of these distributors realize they can live without these costly regional sports channels broadcasting an important August game between the St Louis Cardinals and Cincinnati Reds that may draw 50,000 viewers for the night through the entire country. The battle between Comcast and Fox will be interesting as those who love sports and trying to funnel more money into the industry are realizing that there are millions pushing back against the egregious examples of inequality being driven by big-tie professional sports.

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