Chicago sports radio hosts Dan Bernstein and Terry Boars ignore Cricket World Cup and show their ethnocentrism

Earl "Bam" Cunningham
   The West Indies scored an incredible blasting of merry old England in the Cricket World cup but you would think this event is only followed by people half-away around the world. The American sports media again ignores this sport called Cricket where baseball got its influence and start. they especially ignore it when a black or brown team beats a White one on both sides of the pond. Actually in America this sport is never covered despite its growing popularity and ignorant hosts such as Dan Bernstein and Terry Boers often both ignore this sport and mock international spots that American idiots cannot comprehend. The cricket World Cup is fast rivaling the soccer World Cup in popularity and cricket is the second most popular sport in the world after soccer. The ignoramus talk show hosts for sports in America though think it is the least popular sport in the amount of time they give to this great game. America sports fans are in their own little bubble unable to understand or want to be open to anything outside their own local branch or community and for that they miss out. They missed out on the numerous home runs and drilling the West Indies bammm gave over and over again to England. They decide to skip out in enjoying another sport with tremendous athletic prowess displayed for others around the globe. Tightwads like Dan Bernstein and Terry Boers cannot understand any appeal and refuse even to field telephone calls on this subject as I tried several times to get through their program to ask why the hell they give such little air-time for  this colossal tournament draws interest from an international crowd and growing followership. You can be sure if the advertisers and those that fund American sports talk radio demanded more coverage these fucks like Dan Bernstein and Terry Boers and Les Grobstein would quickly learn the game as they likely will be forced I believe someday in the near future. The fear of global sports ironically is the same fear of regular Americans in accepting something different or foreign as they are not use to and something they cannot comprehend. Sports outlets may ignore it but I will give congratulations to the west Indies team for whipping the White racists on England and showing who is supreme in Cricket once again.

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