Daily Signal prick writer Jason Snead snarks at Seattle's unionization demands for Uber Lyft

Portrait of Jason SneadTerry Blue
  The Chamber of Commerce in the Seattle area is suing to prevent the unionization of Uber driver and attempts for a more livable wage for these drivers. Uber and Lyft are attempting the impossible and that is to bring the crony capitalistic taxi industry and its political contributions dollars and influence to an end in many of the city-states that dot the American landscape. The Taxi industry is a favorite of the money launderers internationalists moving money for their oligarchs around the world and the technology -driven attempts by progressive businessmen making better options for drive-needing consumers is a breakthrough and My whole basis as a writer on this blog. Dweeb Daily signal snarky ass writer called the attempts of Uber and Lyft drivers to unionize and calls Uber and Lyft drivers are not employees—they are independent contractors. As such, their efforts to unionize and subsequently to collectively set prices may run afoul of federal antitrust law. The ordinance requires that companies share contact information so union reps can contact drivers, who were previously deemed contractors and not allowed to organize, to collectively bargain on wages and working conditions. Teka, an Uber driver who has worked on this effort to unionize for the last two years through the App-Based Drivers Association, said City Hall was filled with joyous Uber and Lyft drivers. A Snead and others want a society of contractual workers where hustling and the number of hours will always be set by management, who by the way many ties themselves guarantee a salary and enough working hours for themselves to be in the upper classes and not have to look at the time and calendar to set a unreliable work-load from week to week. This nonsense has been used to weaken any attempts for American workers to unionize and basically pricks like Jason Snead want to prevent unionization so people who make an already high salary do not have to pay more for the economic gains of others who a Snead feels is below them because they don't have skills and thus are not worthy of a living wage or to live in Jason's cities and have any other purpose in these pricy cities aside from giving him cheap and accessible rides all day. What really worries the Chamber of Commerce crowd is that growing unionization and success and dues collecting signals to this signal reporter that there can be a bit more livel playing ground in the political arena and more money to basically battle the purposes and goals of the donor lobbyist class in America which they use to propagandize and subsidize and hire out writers such as this prick Jason Snead.

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