NCAA Final cable exclusivity an attempt to put presure to carry expensive programming

Lonnie Yeager
  Thanks again everyone and I am pleased to be an addition to this blog and a writer of various topics. As the newest and most highest paid member of the social critics I am pleased to be allowed the opportunities for a new writing outlet after the other various ones fired me and my contract ended in recent months. What I want to discuss is the NCAA Championship college basketball and the racket this bracket worshipping gambling pushing attempts are upon society. The NCAA tournament went full exclusivity corporate this past month as Time Warner behemoth media complex finally took  this spectacle of free TV ad cable full time. TBS is the first cable channel ever to have the title game exclusivity on their channel signaling a new era where even re money can be made off the backs of these basketball fools playing for a free education and no independence or greenbacks for their tie and travels. These cable network think that by forcing big-time sports rights on their exclusive networks they can negotiate for higher fees from pay-TV operators but the only thing they are going to do is alienate their fan base and make more decide that a life not following these stupid events is possibly a more rewarding experience in the long run. I never understood the appeal for the University game and this intense bracket picking from people most of which have little ties to these universities as a student ,teacher, or staff member. Why would you follow or care about this sport where players names and uniform numbers changes every couple of years and the talent level is suspect. is this an amazing sport. I bet most fans who do dish out money to watch this shit would objective vociferously if their village or town put up public basketball nets in their nearby park or across the street in their leafy suburban village. The NCAA is a glorified minor league basketball operation no more exciting than the Continental Basketball League and only its affiliation with huge universities and the tax-payer funded industrial collegiate sports complex actually allows this travesty and flow of corporate money to be channeled and given to a select few individuals usually coaches, marketers, and media personnel. This three musketeers of exploiters of collegiate sports will continue to make this Tournament more expensive and a push back by distributers will take place as they know consumer are ready to cut the chord and tell cable to kiss off because of the costs used to subsidize incomes of those three musketeer profiteers of sports. Time Warner thinks they can squeeze and keep turning the consumer upside down dropping the last coin but eventually there will be a fight back against this extraction of the sports fan where they will become fans of art or theatre or some other less costly outlet.

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