Apple and Adolf no different? The corporate control culture of Steve Jobs and how it lead to hacking battle with government

Otto Jansen
   Steve Jobs was a ruthless business man and total control freak. a Steve Jobs is allowed to survive to this day would of feverishly e backing the rights of terrorists and criminal networks around the globe that rely on the  confidentiality of his Apple product against any government access and this craziness is evident in the numerous books written about this nut through the years. Steve Jobs would of been so dismayed that the FBI broke his locked phone and rendered apples claim of total security total obsolete and how anyone in this day of age thinks anything can be cryptic and locked against the powers and spending spree of government must be totally loco in the brain. Tim Cook and his engineers are speechless that their security featured which deleted the phones contents and cruciable evidence to link more terrorists was bypassed by government investigators that override this feature by apple. The perfectionism of a Steve Jobs and apple culture basically has replaced the patriotism of a people and both methods of ideology can be used and twisted for evil. V\Clearly the defense and allowance of terrorist network cells and protecting their privacy and security of the pone can be seen as a massive egregious act of Apple and should scare the shit out of the world.
Why Apple would even garner this negative publicity and try to protect the San Bernardino contacts from government investigation is also incredible ludicrous and perhaps these Apple executives are so stuck in their fucking bubble, the likes of the idiot Tim Cook, they didn't even realize the terrorist mass shooting or how the world has a serious problem with international jihadists.The fact that modern day NAZos inder the banner of radical Islam are using their products to effectively wage and spread hatred are irrlevent to a company like Apple only concerned with profits and appearently now undermining government ability to investigate terrorism.
 Luckily the FBI hacked into the phone used by this insane Muslim who slaughtered 14 innocent people and perhaps now a network link of who helped influence and encourage Syed Farook can now easily be traced by the government. Was this so hard and that an idiot like Tim Cook fought as he announced that Apple will work more intently to protect the privacy and protection of terrorists, drug lords, and money launderers ad tax avoiders around the world. This battle exposes that many of the worlds most popular tech products are brought out and driven with the same attempt as protecting madmen as the NAZI state was at attempting to protecting land grabbers of industry that wanted neighboring countries. APPLE is attempting to be bigger payer than government and a world empire of their own right and is why they battled so   
   In Leander Kahney's book called "Inside Steve's Brain" a portrait of a mad man is exposed and whose personality traits are ignored by the masses of Apple and Steve Jobs fans who just love his design and could care less about the man and only care of the myth. One has to wonder if a Adolf Hitler had built apple how many fans would hae no problems with his gas chambers and so forth. Steve jobs is so loved because he is the Osama Bin laden and Adolf Hitler of gadgets and clearly Apple's defense of importance of personal information of mass killers from police investigations shows pretty much the culture Steve Jobs instilled and legacy lives on the many moons after this wicked fucks death.
  Apple engineers are puzzled and amazed that the FBI was able to crack their phone and the fact that an Israeli company is rumored to have achieved this should be no surprise. Jewish people perhaps like no other people no what can happen to a cult of personality that can get out of control for their quest for total culture under the guise of a fascist state that relied on industrial might and wealth as Nazi controlled Germany was financed and equipped. The same fascist tendencies a Steve Jobs was proud of and was portrayed in this book and many others clearly displays the dangers that the world faced as this man was alive and the still potent force that Apple is in dealing with issues that are clearly a no brainer and should allow government easy access and not court battles in investigating the evils of  Syed Farook. The book on Steve Jobs reveals the madman control monster that he was as a human being and that many top CEOs also share in their obsession hoarding wealth and trying to use their corporate greed to rival the worse power abuse around the world that would of made a Adolf Hitler blush,

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