Does Professor Michael Munger support North Carolina's discrimination act and is he addcited to Facebook

Neil Knight
  Professor Michael Munger is perhaps the leading and premier libertarian out there in the United States. he brings hundreds of witty Twitter and Facebook comments a day and is in a personal battle with Leslie Marshal to see which person can post the most on Facebook in a day. I swear between the two they mot post close to a hundred and recently a quote from professor Michael Munger caught my eye in concern of the new North Carolina gay discrimination act. This egregious act against the citizens of the United states is appalling and going to cost the state of North Carolina in the long run uickly leveling an economic standing just above Mississippi in a short time. Michael Munger was quoted that while he doesn't support discrimination against gays he supports it as a libertarian. Professor Munger, the brilliant economic Duke University professor of higher elite-only earning, says that Yankees should go away and not deter in North Carolina's local power to discriminate against those voters and its citizens wish to discriminate. if this is the philosophy of a Michael Munger then he is basically lying when he says that he doesn't support the new North Carolina laws which make it impossible for local ordinances  to outlaw insane bigoted state law decisions in legalizing discrimination against the LGBT community. Munger wants to hide under the anner of libertarianism to discriminate in the same banner radical Muslims hide under banner of Koran to promote hatred of outsiders. I wonder how a Michael Munger would fee if North Carolina was under sharia control and outlawed bullshit artists from teaching economics at Duke University and instead had to teach and recite the Koran all day. Professor Michael Munger has no problem with these state laws promoting discrimination against gays and lesbians because he is in the dominate cultural and not a victim of discrimination that some citizens of North Carolina wish to legalize  others again repeating the sorry sad history of this state and nation. That many professors and academics would support this under some silly notion banner of libertarians is pretty sick and a sign of the pathetic times and place the South can be with its political leaders and academics at elitism institutions such as Duke University.

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