Globalists try to make Vietnamese consumer pay more for powder milk and rice

Lee park Kong
  Globalist free-traders are not happy with Vietnam and how it has slowed progress for foreign firms penetrate their economies and thus use economic influence on government. The Economist worried about Vietnam's price stabilization requirements for powdered milk forcing foreign firms to shave their high prices of powdered milk as the domestic market had to as well after this decision from Vietnam's finance minister. Globalization usually is an attempt by wealthier countries to penetrate the huge markets of the third world and help raise costs of crucial items such as powder milk in Vietnam that mother seed to purchase for their growing children, The Economist though worries about the the signal Vietnam is sending instead of the signal these foreign firms try to do with forcing prices higher for mothers needing milk. Globalist trading elite class is upset that Vietnam has allowed cap laws on the price of basic goods such as petrol,rice,sugar, and these prices regulate not only state-owned ed enterprises but foreign private ones as well. This doesn't sit well for internationalists who for years hoped they could ride and have their way to Vietnam's markets raising prices and gouging a whole new set of consumers for basic goods that they can over-charge and make increased profit. Foreign firms and embassies are furious and accuse Vietnam of benefiting their domestic dairy state-owned company  Vinamilk from setting the prices to  benefit it. Prime Minister Nguyen tan Dung had to reassure American Penny Pritzker..Pritzkers... that the law was temporary. Nguyen Thien Nhan makes no bones about it though an tells the Vietnam people he prefers Vietnamese products over foreign ones backed by the billionaire class of the likes of the Pritzker klan who have no business trying to tell Vietnam to run its own business and preference for milkpowder sales to its population. art of the TTP tras pacific partnership trade pact we Americans don;t hear about is how foreign firms seek to penetrate and destroy the domestic markets of these other countries and installing their own economic order and agenda where price stabilization will never be part of the equation. The political profile of Mr Nhan can only increase as the Vietnamese people see the true agenda and the engineering of profit form their basic necessities sin life by foreign vulture companies. Mr Nhan will take on Mr Dung and pritzker backed money in a coming election and lets hope he wins.

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