Nicolas Maduro upends Right-Wing take over of Venezuela and attempts to release facsist Lepoldo Lopez

Ramon Ramos
   Nicolas Maduro is trying to prevent another South American business globalist coup against his nation and save the poor of Venezuela. This is a country on the brink of partition and a coming civil war where the European descended owners of capital will try to strip land and wealth from this country and split it into two nations. they cannot deal that Venezuela has shifted to the left politically since the days of Hugo Chavez who they successfully poisoned and ended his tenure prematurely for the people of Venezuela. Until recently Nicolas Maduro hasn't shown the same gusto as Hugo Chavez until recently when right-wing global money banksters funded a well-financed political campaign that captured parts of the countries national Assembly. The crooked new legislative immediately tried to liberate 80 local Venezuelan fascist terrorists including the evil Leopoldo Lopez with an amnesty law that Nicolas Maduro immediately annulled through his allied supreme court. they know the dangers of releasing this guy who potentially could be Venezuela's answer to Spain's Francisco Franco who plundered Spain into a vicious civil war for the fascist state in the years prior to World war II in Europe. The squashing of this insane amnesty law backed by the right-wing business interests to increase political pressure and hatred against the socialist regime was a strong act by Maduro who knows Chavez's revolution is not yet accomplished and the potential of a brutal right-wing backlash that could kill millions in South America is always a possibility given the brutal history of right-wing racist fascism in this region. Much of this political genocide that Latin America saw fro these right-wing death squads were financially backed by the United States. Nicolas Maduro is a strong patriot for Venezuela and is one of the best leaders in the world holding people power against the forces of business corruption and resource profit extraction that is destroying the planet. the socialism and oil production of Venezuela belongs to the Venezuelan people and under this leader and Hugo Chavez much more of the incomes and profits went into the public instead of the off shore accounts of those big wigs who dominate the global energy conglomerates. Leo Lopez needs to never see the light of the South American sun as he eagerly hopes one day to open the bank and accost of Venezuela's rich resources to foreign development that would suck all of the wealth this country has from the masses of poverty stricken people who have been in a depleted lifestyle from day one when the conquistadores invaded this beautiful land.

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