Indiana Republican president Mike Pence helps doctors over prescribe medication

Jerry Palmer
   Aside from putting more restrictive abortion laws for the women of Indiana, the worthless governor of Indiana named Mike Pence signed a new law that makes it easier for opioid addicts to get their drugs easier. The  law signed last month by Gov. Mike Pence overturns a requirement for physicians and patients to meet in person before a prescription can be written. Indiana patients will soon be able to talk with doctors through a video call, with doctors able to write prescriptions and this law pretty much is another clear example of the influence and power of the pharmaceutical industry has on our politicians fighting against sound regulation against the drug and health care industry more interested in getting people addicted and prescribed than actually aiding the population.   Pence is clearly a bought and paid for politician working for big pharma and trying to provide easy access for prescription drug abuse that so many people in rural redneck red states find themselves. The drug companies want more of this and were perturbed against the new rules that required people to actually be in the God dam office with a doctor to get their prescriptions for pain-killers most of whom didn't really need except for a cool high. the result was a push for video conferencing as their solution to bypass this regulation and get the people their happy meals and to remain in a coma state thus creating easier access to their wallets and ensuring economic immobility for these people. these fuckers know what they are doing and keeping losers addicted to sugar drug pills and profiting off them is basically what big pharmaceutical companies do prescribing mostly stuff that the patient doesn't need and makes them worse in most cases.  already the use of  OxyContin will rise as more and more old rural fucks will finally get a wi fi account so they can get access to this painkiller drug and the needed high to get through their boring life as a couch potato. as far as pence goes he is glad to have this restriction for drug companies to have unlimited and easy acess to their pain-killer addicted customers. he can move on to more important goals of his restrictive abortion attempts on women reproductive rights.

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