John Kasich and Eric Zorn tell young women to call ahead and check how much alcohol at parties

Ramon Ramos
   Eric Zorn makes the left shark blog. The columnist wrote recently that he agrees with John Kasich's ridiculous notion that young college-age girls should avoid parties with drinking. what these old men both agree is that young women should just avoid parties in general at their times at college and just stay all day in the libraries like the fucking foreign Asian women.  Kasich and any other Republican conservatives usually victim blame on the issue of sexual assaults as somehow because people have been drinking that they are held more accountable for their predicament. Basically Kasich and Zorn don't think women should be social as every viable social activity on college campuses have always contained alcohol and perhaps these guys should be attacking the marketing and advertising states of America nd big corporate alcohol companies. That is if you think somehow sexual assaults are more likely to be committed through alcohol abuse. Zorn defended this republican candidate and idiot Kasich who s staying in the race because he thinks this will somehow make him a front runner in 2020 despite the fact that most of the country outside of Ohio think he is a meathead. Zorn says that we has a society give sound cautionary advice and that telling young women they shouldn't attend fun parties where there is beer is sound practical advice these women should follow. Eric Zorn is an idiot like Kasich. he wants to differentiate between parties on college that have alcohol and those that have lots of alcohol and this is what Kasich was meaning as if somehow women should call the fraternity or house party to see how much alcohol will be in reserve for the party. These guys just want to open their big noggers and push for a social conservative agenda and advice to these young women that they need to somehow fear every large party they might encounter away from home for the first time. I'm sure if someone told Eric Zorn that he should use caution when going journalist school and that he shouldn't drink at parties because  that somehow he would make bonehead comment in the future. I'm sure he wouldn't  he wouldn't appreciate the intrusion then nor would he now as dudes like him don't ever have to worry about sexual assaults.  

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