Jim Hightower decried smart billboards getting uglier for society

Carl Olsen
   Jim Hightower has brilliantly discovered how billboards are becoming uglier. Jim Hightower wrote on how modernized, digitalized, computerized structures can see you and will track you and your data at all times. This rightfully should disgust people even more than these unsightly billboards already invade your space with their mere presence. Clear Channel outdoors announced a partnership with AT & T to put up hundreds of thousands of these smart billboards that can constantly change digitally and pretty much snoop through your privacy as you drive by the billboard. Billboards around the country need to be coming down and not be handed over for corporate space and make profit from advertising to get  from those who choose not to watch broadcasting television which is just all ads these days. These  Orwellian Billboards will track you nd your spending and travels as you make your way past them and this just creeps the shit out of Jim Hightower, the award winning writer and native Texan. Jim should already be pissed off his native texas surroundings and environment has already been raped through these billboards dotting his state and freeway system more than any other state. these smart billboards are bullshit and for local government to sell out to these marketing behemoths and destroy our privacy and have these billboards connect to our smartphones is just plain idiocracy and why this country is so fucked allowing the private industry even more opportunities to shove consumerism down are throats while reeking havoc on our privacy.

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